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            After the Big5exhibition from Dubai, the Malaysia client visited the factory on Dec.4th.2017,this is the second time the Malaysia client visit the factory, it is thewitness to show the friendship.

            展會結緣 Exhibition tale


            The story with the Malaysia client is from the china Guangzhou CBD fair onJuly.2017, the first time they saw Sungye’s products, and got the attraction,then got the wonderful experience of the product using, after they know thedetails of the products, they made the decision in their mind.


           ▲ 客商朋友詳細了解先越門窗

            簽約合作 Cooperation


            After the first touch in the CBD fair, they visitedthe factory on Aug.2017 for the first time, they visited the garden-style environment,five star level show room, 6s standard workshop, the ERP system which used ineach process. After the checking, they got confidence and signed the contractat the first time, and discussed more project which will cooperate in thefuture.


           ▲ 馬來西亞客商朋友參觀先越工廠


           ▲ 馬來西亞客商朋友參觀先越工廠


           ▲ 馬來西亞客商朋友與先越門窗做技術探討


           ▲ 現場簽約,合影留念

            深度交流 Communication

            9月,盛大的馬來西亞節(Pesta Malaysia)如約而至,先越門窗為大洋彼岸的馬來西亞朋友送上節日祝福。10月,先越門窗“國慶-中秋”全國聯動大型促銷活動如火如荼。馬來西亞客商朋友也在關注先越門窗市場銷量的節節攀升。11月,感恩節上彼此送上的感恩祝福如同冬日溫暖的陽光,照耀心房。雙方密切的互動,加深情感紐帶。既是生意上緊密合作的伙伴,也是生活中無所不談的摯友,這就是先越門窗與馬來西亞客商的真實寫照。

            In September, the Malaysia’s Pesta festival coming asusual, Sungye send their best wished to them; in October, Sungye got a bigpromotion for the middle autumn festival and National Day festival. inNovember, they send regards to each other, the deeply friendship maintainbetween each side.


           ▲ 先越系統門窗出貨忙


            參觀提貨 Delivery goods


            In December, the Malaysia client visited the factoryagain. The workers are working hard and delivery the goods in highly effective,the client also satisfied for the attitude. Sungye have export the goods tomany oversea countries, the client show their honor to the factory.



